Eco-Innovation Project "RUN": ReUse Notebook - Collection, Refurbishment and Distribution System initiated.
Today's common treatment of used notebooks is their materials' recycling. More advisable is their reuse and therefore granting them a "second life".
Collect & Recycling
Repair & Refurbishment
Our goals
The main goal of the RUN-Project ("ReUse Notebook – Collection, Refurbishment and Distribution System") is the implementation of an integrated large-scale system for collecting, purchasing, inventorying, refurbishing and remarketing used notebooks from private households and small and medium enterprises (SME). These target groups often provide only a single device and therefore present a special challenge for any collection system in terms of logistics. The RUN-Project will consciously focus on these target groups, as there is a large market potential and will be the very first of its kind in Europe.
Existing business concepts, around the reuse and remarketing of notebooks, focus on the market of corporate departments, where economic viability is ensured by economies of scale and large batch sizes and where administration can be streamlined by leasing contracts. So far, in the EU, there are no comparable large-scale collection systems for private households and SMEs in place. This is due to the huge logistics challenge in handling unit sizes equal to one.
The RUN project will prevent wasting valuable resources contained in notebooks by collecting single units, not only huge batches as most of the established enterprises do. To realise this intention, the cosortium will rise up a cost efficient collection system that will be able to handle small unit sizes down to one single piece. After the collection process and a standardised and quality-controlled refurbishment are established, the large-scale distribution will start to supply a European-wide sales system.
The core business will be accompanied by service add-ons like the extraction of private data. After the extraction process customer’s private data will be made available again to the owner. A further unique characteristic on the reuse market will be the certified data erasure process. These data related services are very innovative in case of serving the described target groups.
The RUN-Project will cover the whole value chain of reuse and offer a complete service package for the customer of a refurbished notebook and it will provide private households and SMEs easy and organised access to the reuse market.
It brings together a group of experts on logistics, quality controlled refurbishing, data management, remarketing and programming and web design. The company Dr. Brüning Engineering UG acts as the project coordinator. Project partners are furthermore Ebelt Beratung UG, Exmt – Büro für Programmierung und Design UG, the Demontage- und Recyclingzentrum (D.R.Z.) as institution of the Wiener Volkshochschulen GmbH, SAPOS gGmbH, i4next international computer trading & leasing GmbH, Laura Sp. Zo. o and ReUse Verein.
If would like more information on this project or if you being interested in sponsoring the project please contact:
Dr. Brüning Engineering UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
Geschäftsführer: Dr. Ralf Brüning
Kirchenstraße 26 • D-26919 Brake
Tel.: +49 4401-7049760
Mobil: +49 160-3664468
Fax: +49 4401-7049761
e-mail: info(at)dr-bruening(dot)de
Amtsgericht Oldenburg HRB 209018
USt-Id: DE815509351